Saturday, March 22, 2008

March activities

March is a great time for spring activities. It may be too early to get outside into the garden, but it is not too early to start seeds indoors for planting later. This is a great thing to do with the family-but you must make sure to maintain them until you get them planted out, probably in May for me. We're planting tomatoes inside, peas outside this week.

When was the last time you flew a kite? March is often very windy, particularly as storm fronts are going through. If you have a large school field or track area, or a great park, how about taking a little time to fly a kite with your family? You could purchase one, watch Mary Poppins as the end is about flying kites together and taking that time, then put it together as a family and go fly it. What a fun way to spend a Saturday. Much better than cleaning the house.

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