Monday, April 7, 2014

The Blue Castle

Cheeseslave shared a picture on Facebook recently.

This was just after I finished rereading The Blue Castle, one of the lesser known works by L.M. Montgomery (of Anne of Green Gables fame). 

The description:

When Dreams Come True
All her life, Valancy Stirling lived on a quiet little street in an ugly little house and never dared to contradict her domineering mother and her unforgiving aunt. Then she gets a letter—and decides that very day things need to change. For the first time in her life, she does exactly what she wants to and says exactly what she feels.

At first her family thinks she's gone around the bend. But soon Valancy discovers more surprises and adventure than she ever thought possible. She also finds her one true love and the real-life version of the Blue Castle that she was sure only existed in her dreams..

Valency uses her Blue Castle as a refuge from her unpleasant life. That life is ruled by fear and the Blue Castle lets her imagine a life without fear doing just what she'd like to do. When she gives up the fear, her dreams start to come true. This is in line with a quote from Dale Carnegie: "Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy."

There are many ways to allow fear to create a prison. One is fearing what other people think. That stops us from doing things or making changes. I think this fear is far more debilitating than a fear of animals, heights, or other events. I think the only other fear that is as limiting is fear of success. I think it is related to fear of what people think. 

Any success is preceded by failure, usually by numerous failures. Those who fear success usually also fear failure. They also fear how they will relate to the success-to the new situation, the new people, the new power. They fear all that comes with the success-so they essentially fear themselves. Because of that fear, they do not takes the steps that would lead to success.

I think the diversity in the world is a blessing. I think the differences among all of us are blessings. The world would be boring if we were all the same. I think fearing what other people think of us is a fear of our being thought different. I would like others to like me, to enjoy being around me, to want me for a friend. However, to live life dependent on their opinions is to limit my choices. I tried for a while to be the person someone in my life expected me to be and it was just too hard. It is far easier to be ourselves and keep the people in our lives who can appreciate that person. We too must appreciate who we are or again we are driven by fear.

We need to embrace the person who inhabits our Blue Castle and be who we were meant to be - without fear.


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