Monday, October 27, 2014

Thoughts on caring for those in need

I had an opportunity to teach a lesson based on Jeffrey R Holland's talk, Are We Not All Beggars? In our church, we have an opportunity to fast once each month and donate the proceeds to help those in need. There are other aspects of caring for those in need that I felt impressed to discuss during the lesson: helping those who have needs other than financial.

Everything we have is a result of blessings in our lives. We may be 'self-made,' but we were successful because of our talents, combined with hard work. Those talents are a gift from God. Elder Holland discusses how we are all indebted, particularly to God, and that we repay this by doing what we can.

As I look around at those I serve, I can see that there are many ways of being in need. Some are lonely. They need someone to care and visit with them. Some are suffering. A visit can often help them think of something beyond their pain. Some just need a little help packing. Others need help moving. Some might need a helping hand watching a child or transporting one. Sometimes, the little things are the ones that have the biggest impact.

In my position at church, I can see the very tangible needs of those whose financial resources do not cover their needs. We use our fast offerings as a way to supplement and help these. However, there are many more needs that cannot be met financially. These are the ones that require a sacrifice of time, talent, or mental energy. That is often harder than abstaining from two meals and donating what you would have spent.

The Savior cared for the needy. He addressed them directly and did what he could to alleviate their suffering. He didn't require them to be 'worthy' of his help. He did what was practical. I hope that we are doing the same. If we pray for opportunities to help, they will come. And the great thing about service is that we benefit at the same time as the one we serve. Is there someone you can lift today?


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