Monday, November 3, 2014

Gratitude for a multiplicy of blessings

November is a time of year when we are reminded of all the wonderful blessings in our lives as we prepare for Thanksgiving. It seems a particularly appropriate time to say thank you.

I have a wonderful extended family. I am grateful for the opportunity to be Facebook friends with many of them. This allows me to have more awareness of their lives than I otherwise would have since we no longer near one another. I have relatives that have been there for me when I needed a kind word. They are caring, loving people.

My daughter is married to a helpful man who is actively engaged in the raising of their children. It is always fun (and chaotic) to visit them or have them visit us. The family is full of sweet, loving children.

When I married the Pro, I inherited step-children and step-grandchildren. They have now added step-great-grandchildren. They are all wonderful people. Trish, the Pro's first wife, was obviously a caring, loving Mom. Since she is no longer around, having passed on many years ago, I feel I am proxy for her to ensure that her family gets a loving grandma/mom figure from that side of the family. While there are other grandparents/great-grandparents as well, these wonderful people deserve as much love as I can give. They have welcomed me as a family member and given me a great deal of love which I want to return.

With us retiring this year, we have more opportunity to visit the little ones in our family. Grandparenting is fun since you get the littles only in small doses. However, it is a true blessing to see how loving all of our little families are. The parents all love each other and it shows. They all love their kids, and that shows too. We are grateful for their love.

We live in a beautiful part of the world. The views are spectacular, the weather pretty nice 10 months of the year, and the small-town atmosphere fun. We are blessed with a fairly comfortable life style, fairly good health, and (for the most part), fairly sound minds. We have many opportunities to serve and contribute to the community. We have many friends and acquaintances.

Although there are many things to dislike in the world, there are many more for which to be grateful. At this season of thanks, I choose to focus on those, and to turn my back on the others. Thank you for being a part of my world.


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