A constant in life is change, accompanied either by growth or decay. There is no sitting still. If you are sitting still, you are in the process of decay. If we want growth, we have to choose to move rather than sitting still. It can be a scary choice.
Often, change involves risk. If you take a new job, move to a new place, try a new activity, you might not like it. The resolution would require more change. Many people stay in jobs or careers they hate simply because they know how to do the job and are making decent money. They spend time resenting the job, unhappy with what they are doing, but accepting it without question because it is easier. Change requires effort. You would have to find a different job, perhaps a different career. Start over again at the bottom. Make less money. Perhaps have less status. What if it doesn't work out?
At the other extreme are people who thrive on change. They do not settle into a rut because they are constantly heading out in new directions. They do not stay in one area long enough to master it. They are constantly looking for the next thing.
Between those who will not change and those who do constantly are the rest of us. Some change willingly, others grudgingly. But we do change. I have found that pushing oneself to change will help promote growth. There have been times when I actively seek change, scanning and networking to find a new job when I know it is time to move on. Other times, the job has just appeared. I have never regretted the choice to move on although I have regretted leaving the friendships. Now with social media, I can remain in touch with those left behind. That is truly a blessing.
Since leaving home for college, I have lived in 18 different places after I left the dorms in college. 7 of them have been homes I owned, the rest apartments. That is a lot of moving-and with the number of books I have, always a hassle. However, each of these moves has involved major changes in my life. With the houses, I always hope it will be the last move, but I recognize that I appreciate and enjoy the challenges that these changes have heralded. Although I hope not to move again, I realize that, given my track record, more relocations in the future are likely. These 18 different homes were in seven different states. My father once accused me of being a transient. I think he was correct. However, transience means I embrace the opportunity to experience new places.
Over these many years since I left for college, I have worked at more than a dozen different companies. In college, they were for short periods of time. After college, they have tended to be longer lasting. These have spanned a variety of careers as well: banking, legal, information technology, music, and dance. They have provided lots of opportunity for growth and change, particularly information technology, since that field is constantly moving.
In addition to career changes, my service opportunities have promoted a great deal of growth as well. I was a Girl Scout leader for longer than I was a scout. I managed a sing-along at the senior center (I am good with most music from 1850-1950). I have taught lots of little kids at church, ranging from 18 months to six year olds. I don't seem to get those that read. I have taught adults in a variety of classes. I have been an organist a number of times-which means I have at least learned to play adequately if not well. I am now in a leadership position that requires a lot of listening and problem solving. In our church, change is a given. Except perhaps for organists, when you are called to a position, it is with the understanding that it will probably be for only a year or two. Then you will be asked to serve in a different position. Two of the three times I was asked to be an organist, I only got released from the position by moving. Organists are harder to find than teachers.
As I look back, I am grateful I have faced the different challenges in my life. Without them, I would not have progressed as much. I would not have developed my current strengths and would not have overcome some of my weaknesses. However, there is still more to do, so there is still more growth to occur. In the end, your attitude to what happens determines how much you grow and learn from life. And sometimes, if you refuse to learn, you get more opportunities as life throws you more challenges in that area.
Embrace change. It helps you reach your dreams. If you don't know what those dreams are, start dreaming again. I believe that is why we are here.
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