Monday, June 16, 2014

My mom is a bowler

When I was young, it seems that more people were bowlers. Even Fred and Barney Flintstone went bowling. There were plastic bowling games we could play on the lawn.
Then bowling became a lot more important in my family.
Ever since my youngest sister started school, my mom has bowled in a league that meets on Friday morning. At first, the league was associated with my elementary school. Over the years, the league as changed, the location has changed, the styles have changed, but the fun has not. For many years, the league had them pose for pictures, some of which are below.

Muriel Pohlman, Sara Eidsen, Kathie Vickers, Jody Gerrard

 Sara Eidson,Jody Gerrard, Betty Jo Duquette, Joyce Long



There have been frequent trips to participate in bowling tournaments in other locations, such as Las Vegas, over the years. My dad often drove Mom's team to Vegas in our motorhome so they could enjoy the ride in comfort. It became an important part of his birthday as one regular tournament always occurred at the end of August.
(Shirley, Marilyn, Mariel, Nora, Ardi, Jody, Annie, June, Johnnie)

Back when ABC carried the Pro Bowler's Tour just before Wide World of Sports, we watched every week that we were not out camping. It was a family activity just as Wide World of Sports or camping was.

I have played a few strings but have never really been a bowler. I think Mom's average has stayed pretty constant over the years. She even joined two leagues this year although she had back surgery and can't play yet. She still goes most days to watch her team and her substitutes play. She hopes to be back out on the lanes by summer.

Bowling gets you out of the house. It is great for socializing and meeting new people.  It provides exercise. This year, one of the leagues Mom is in is co-ed, expanding the pool of new friends. Her teams have changed over the years, as you can see from the early pictures. Some of the teammates have become closer friends than others. Now, on most Fridays, after the games are done, they go out to lunch together.

We have always known what Mom will be doing on Friday morning-bowling. When we visit, we go and watch. Our little ones have watched Mom and then played a few strings too. Now the next generation is doing the same. It is fun to watch the little ones try to be like Grandma. I am grateful for the place bowling has had in our lives.

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