Monday, May 12, 2014

Home movies

In the days when home movies were complicated, we didn't take many in my family. We didn't have a movie camera but an uncle did, so my early home movies were taken by him. We had a video camcorder once, but it ended up falling overboard and was never replaced. Now, it is so easy to take video with a smart phone. I take mine with a digital camera as it gives a little better quality. And there are far more ways to share these videos. I think this is Progress (with a capital P), making it much easier to capture memories.

I spent quite a lot of time this week digitizing some VHS tapes. One of these was converted into VHS, so the quality is definitely not HD. However, these short 5-15 minute movies were wonderful to see. I miss my dad, and seeing him again was great. I vaguely remember him like he was in the early shots, and definitely as he was in the later ones.

A while back, I spent time doing this with dance recitals my daughter was in. I'm not quite finished with that, but I turned to these as a favor to my niece. I'll put them on DVD for her and others in the family as well as posting them to the YouTube channel I've created. 

Sharing these on YouTube will allow others who are interested to have access. I hope other family members will also enjoy these. I hope we will continue to take advantage of technology to preserve these moments.

My sister uploaded a video of a treasure hunt with my grandkids. I never want to lose track of such wonderful times together.

My daughter uploads movies to her channel so we can see the major events in her kids lives. She shares them on Facebook, but YouTube provides a nice archive for us.

If you have old movies to convert, there are many services which do that. We had some converted to VHS in the 80s, and those were some of what I digitized this week. As technology changes, we often have to go back and do this all over again. Watching as I convert has been very nostalgic. What a great way to spend some tube time.

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