Monday, December 1, 2014


The beginning of the Christmas season, Advent, brings a variety of thoughts and memories. I remember holidays of my childhood, those when my daughter was born, and the fun of holidays with grandchildren. The thought that comes foremost, though, is that first Christmas and why we celebrate.

Some celebrate because it is a fun holiday. Most of the Hallmark Christmas movies showcase the tender feelings Christmas brings in our hearts as we reach out in love to one another. This is a great result of the holiday. This can be an important part of the season whether or not one is a believing Christian. As with Scrooge, one he truly understood, it helps us enlarge our hearts in love. This kind of love is an action verb.

Some celebrate because they are commemorating the birth of the Savior of the world, He who came to redeem us all. Our Church has released a video recreation of his birth. It is a good reminder of the reason for the season. For believing Christians, or casual believers, there is an important element that also contains gratitude that God sent His Son to redeem the world. He is the greatest gift ever given.

Just like at New Years' Day, Advent causes me to reflect. I look back on the past year, my progress or lack thereof on my various goals, and I recommit to the various self-improvement plans I practice. I see my personal growth toward a more Christ-like character as my gift to the Savior on His birthday. When I was a child, this was my attempt to be good so Santa would bring me gifts. Now, I realize I already have the gifts and it is important to me to show my gratitude. Advent gives me a jump start on my next year's resolutions and help me come to closure on the current year.

This Christmas, as I send out cards, decorate, listen to the music, enjoy the movies (they all make me cry),read my Christmas books and stories, I will also re-read the Christmas story in Luke and give thanks that I can celebrate Christmas in a country that allows me to believe and practice my faith. To all my friends, I wish a very Merry Christmas. If you celebrate one of the other yuletide holidays, I hope that is a fun and happy celebration as well. 

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