Monday, July 7, 2014

My husband, the golf pro

Although my mother and one sister have played golf for a number of years, I managed to escape until I met my husband. I played once in college and then not again until 2002. Golf is as tied to life for Mack as eating is. He has had the same vanity license plate since they were introduced - PGA PRO. This has introduced me to an entirely new world. It is a very nice new world, too.

Mack is a very humble man. Unless you saw his office, you would not know of the numerous awards and recognitions he has received. He never boasts about them. In fact, he says they are not all that much. I disagree. I think they are very important.

A while back, I posted some of the awards and recognitions I had in order not capture them in memory. Mine do not hang on the walls of our home. However, Mack's do. I wanted to capture them too. There are a few more that are not hanging in his office.

Various organizations he has worked with have given thanks and recognition. These are the ones hanging in the office taking up all the wall space. There are a few more in a box. There just isn't room for them on the walls.

 The PGA in both Arizona and Utah recognized him with Horton Smith Awards for his unstinting efforts in education. As you might guess, education is a passion with him.

 He has been recognized as the section Pro of the year:

He has served as president of the section

 He serves and has served on a variety of committees at both the section and national level.

 He has been a PGA member for quite a while and been recognized at different member statuses

 He was inducted into the PGA Southwest Section Hall of Fame

He was inducted to the Arizona Golf Association Hall of Fame

Here, friends congratulated him at the induction tournament

Mack has always given his all to the game. He played high school and college golf, has played in PGA section events, charity tournaments, and just for fun. He conducts classes and clinics for beginners, junior golfers, and others who want to improve their game. He is always conscious of representing the PGA and wants to do so with integrity.

Golf is a great game, frustrating, challenging, and often fun. Mack has made a life out of promoting the game and helping others enjoy it. In return, golf has given him a wonderful life. I am so glad golf came into my life with Mack. He, and it, have enriched my life in so many ways.

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